Review of: The Reason I Married Him by Meghan Quinn

 The Reason I Married Him by Meghan Quinn


From USA Today and Amazon Charts bestselling author Meghan Quinn, comes a new marriage of convenience romantic comedy. This steamy, laugh out loud, enemies-to-lovers small town standalone delivers the perfect happily ever after.

He proposed . . . and I said yes.

Normally a jovial occasion for a couple in love, but this proposal has a very different feel.
Because the man that I'll be calling my husband blew into town with one thing on his mind . . . to make my life a living nightmare.

So why did I say yes?

Well, because we both need something from each other.

Namely, I want the farmland he currently owns, and he needs a wife in order to inherit his family cabin in his grandfather’s will.

So, as he so eloquently put it, my hand, for his land.

At first, I thought the idea was nuts.
Who really gets married out of convenience?
Apparently, I do.

And now we have to sell our relationship to the town. Meaning, we're holding hands, he's pinching my cheeks . . . upper and lower. We're even forced to share the one-bedroom guest house on the farm where his monstrous body is taking up a large percentage of the bed.

But we’re so persuasive about our farse, that now I’m starting to think he actually might like me. Especially when he grabs me by the wrist and teases the shell of my ear as he whispers, “Mine.”

Rating and Review

Overall Rating: 2.75-3/5 Stars



This was my first Meghan Quinn book, and this was my first time listening to an audiobook! I thought I wouldn't like audiobooks because I usually prefer my Kindle e-reader or paperback books, but listening to the voice actors was actually really fun. I was able to picture a romcom in my head because I could hear the character's voices. Pretty odd, but it was great!

What I Didn't Like

My rating may suggest I didn't much care for this book. I DID like the story, but there were some things I needed to rant about because this book could've been higher than 3 stars, but a lot happened that I really didn't like. In bold will be the problems I REALLY hated.

  • the entire story took place in a little over 1 month (minus the epilogue because that was a few weeks later). somehow, they fell in love after knowing each other for a month
  • Wyatt was a little pushy at the beginning (that was prob to be funny to be honest, but it was still kind of weird to me)
  • they didn’t get married for more than half the book😭so it was more fake dating than marriage of convenience
  • some of the locations and timing of the sex scenes were weird to me: i.e. the first time they gave each other head, they were in a burlesque club bathroom. and one time they had sex after they talked about her abusive childhood and how that affects her today🫠really something to get horny about huh?
  • the. fucking. miscommunication trope. I hate that trope with a firing burning passion
  • he didn’t straight up tell Aubrey, “Hey btw I had a fiancé who left me the night before our wedding.” 😭like my guy you could’ve just told her
  • they got back together at the end of the very last chapter🙄
  • the third act breakup was like so close to the end😭we had like 2hrs left
  • protective older brother
  • how long the book was😭it was 16hrs. 522 pages. almost 600 pages!!! it didn’t need to be that long. there were so many scenes where I was thinking, “this could be cut out.”
  • some of the jokes since it’s a romcom. a lot of them were dick jokes, and some of them just didn’t need to be there honestly. especially in the prologue🫠that came literally out of nowhere and I was stunned

What I Did Like

I know I had a lot of issues, but there are some things I did like! I'm not going to bold the best aspects none are better than the other.
  • I enjoyed the sex scenes. I think they were really well written and very hot🥵
  • I liked how sweet and supportive Wyatt was towards Aubrey. He brought her out of her shell, and that’s something I hope a guy can do for me💝
  • I liked the reversed grumpy/sunshine trope: Aubrey was the grumpy person while Wyatt was the sunshine. I think I like that more than the og trope
  • How quickly I finished it/How invested the story had me. I finished the audiobook in 5 days
  • The small-town aspect of the story
  • The voice actors were really funny
  • Something I’m apathetic towards is that he was 35 while she was 28

Final Thoughts

The only reason I’m not giving it 2 stars is because I did have a fun time listening to the audiobook and it held me captive the entire way through. I would reread this. There’s definitely a lot in the story that I genuinely really liked, but the negatives outweighed the positives. But you know what, this book is my type of fun trashy, so that’s why it’s around 3 stars. If not for that alone, my rating would be lower.

Thank you for Reading!

Thank you for reading my review! I love you so much, and I hope you stick around for future posts about the other books I've read and will read.

Have you read this book? What did you think of it? Let me know in the comments! Also, let me know of any romance novels or fantasy romance novels you think I should read!

See You Next Week!
