Review of: Falling into Forever by Avery Maxwell

 Falling Into Forever by Avery Maxwell


Fake dating my sunshiny ex may be the only way to save both of our careers—but I wasn’t expecting him to make things feel so real.

What’s a brokenhearted romance novelist to do when an interview accidentally gets her canceled?

I’ll tell you one thing—the plan 
definitely didn’t include turning to the man who taught me that happily ever afters exist only on the page. But when Dante Thompson shows up on my front porch with his gorgeous face, golden retriever energy, and an outrageous offer that could save my reputation and a career disaster of his own, am I actually considering saying yes?

It’s been six years. I’m older. I should be wiser. My too-charming public relations guru of an ex claims he’s got the perfect answer to both our predicaments: A splashy fake relationship that will give everyone something else to talk about.

He’s not wrong. Everyone loves a good love story…even if it’s just for show.

But I don’t trust myself to even 
pretend to let him in again. Especially considering how things ended the first time around. And the secrets I’m still keeping from him? They’re even darker than they were six years ago.

Once Dante learns the truth of what tore us apart, he’s more determined than ever to fix what never should have been left broken—our love story.

**Author note: Falling into Forever is a steamy, small-town, grumpy-sunshine romance where forced proximity turns Dante and Saylor’s second chance fake relationship into something all too real.

Rating and Review

Overall Rating: 1/5 Stars



I've heard of really terrible books and vowed to never read them. But I didn't think this book would be one. Prior to this book, I'd never read a second-chance romance. I always had the mindset that if a couple didn't work in the past, there was probably a good reason, and they wouldn't work in the future. I threw that mentality out the window and decided to give this book a chance. I thought, "Maybe this novel could be a new favourite. Maybe this trope could actually be pretty good!" Oh, how wrong I was.

For more context, I'm usually able to finish romance novels in 1-2 weeks. Sometimes, if I'm really invested, I can finish them in less than a week. Below, you'll see how long it took me to finish this 🙄

What I didn't like

Before I get to the points, just know...I really didn't like this book. There will be a lot of complaining, a lot of ranting. So, if you're not a fan of that, feel free to skip to what I did like and the final thoughts.

  • this book took me more than a month to finish. (March 20th to April 29th) more than a fucking month! 😭
  • i've never been more bored reading a book in my entire life
  • this book didn't need to be over 400 pages. i feel like it could've been 150
  • fake dating? what fake dating? these two got back together so quickly😠
  • the mmc was a fucking simp, and i hated him for it. i hate simps with a firey burning passion
  • I hate how love bomby Dante was. sometimes, i feel like Saylor was uncomfortable, but he just kept doing it
  • there was a time during one of the smut scenes he was being an asshole, as well as after the sex. i hated him so much, like you don't even know
  • milking is one of the worst words to use during a sex scene. there is no reason to find that sexy, imo
  • too many fucking characters for a romance novel. Especially the Kingston ordeal like what was that about? And Grady’s brothers?? bro, I barely remember them
  • we never learned what happened between Grady and Lena. I think the author was truly lazy
  • I didn't understand the reason why they broke up. Some things didn't make much sense
  • The timeline made no sense to me
  • For some reason, Dante was shot. I didn't feel bad for him though
  • I truly cannot say this enough. This book was mind numbingly boring. I don’t think I’ve been that bored reading a romance in…forever tbh. I feel like since I finished this, I could’ve finished the book I dnf-ed earlier this year. This one made my brain rot and want to implode. The writing absolutely sucked
On April 1st, I made a mini rant because I couldn't take how much I hated the book at that point. Here's what I said:

I have to write this now. It’s the 1st of April, and I think I’ve found the worst romance book that I’VE read. This book is astoundingly bad, like really, really, really, really, reeeeeeally bad. I hate it, like I genuinely do. I don’t think I’ve ever hated reading something. This book is definitely worse than my last dnf. I’m gonna finish this one though since I’m halfway done. Bro, I hate the guy, the first sex scene, and the storyline itself. It’s so rushed. Like where the hell is the story gonna go. There’s not much left to do😭I can’t with this book. So far, it’s a 1.5/5⭐

What I liked

Surprisingly, there were some things about the story I did like. It didn't salvage the rating though.

  • Grady and Lena. those characters were cute. Grady was really funny to me. If those two had a romance novel, not written by this author, I would read their story
  • Saylor was funny at some points
  • I liked that Saylor was the grumpy person in the grumpy/sunshine dynamic
  • This book got me into annotating. I made A LOT of notes on my Kindle e-reader
Yeah, that's it. That's all I liked. You can see why this book got a 1-star rating...

Final Thoughts

I hated this book. I hated it deeply. I'm not saying I'll never read a second chance romance ever again, but this one was definitely not a good introduction to the trope. It was really bad. I expected the book to be about two exes who need to fake date in order to save their careers, and along the way, they realize they're still in love and decide to get back together. But no! No, it wasn't that! They fake dated for, like, a fucking week then, got back together! What the hell is that?! I felt fucking cheated. By the time they had sex for the first time, it was a little ways before the halfway point. I was, for real, questioning what the rest of the book was going to be about, and then it was just straight boredom the whole time. I genuinely didn't care about anything because it was just so boring. So yeah. I know there's worse out there, but this is by far the worst romance novel that I'VE ever read.

Thank you for Reading!

Thank you for reading my review! I love you so much, and I hope you stick around for future posts about the other books I've read and will read.

Have you read this book? What did you think of it? Let me know in the comments! Also, let me know of any romance novels or fantasy romance novels you think I should read!

See You Next Week!
